How To Earn Points, Badges & Ranks


Connection Points

3 Connection Points Awards

  • Earn 10 points for each member you follow
  • Earn 10 points for each friendship connection you request
  • Earn 100 points when you invite a member to a Group

Discussion Points

4 Discussion Points Awards

  • Earn 50 points on the first post you create on the News Feed (per day)
  • Earn 10 points for each comment you make on another Member’s post on the News Feed
  • Earn 50 points for starting a Group discussion
  • Earn 50 points for creating a new Forum discussion topic

1 Discussion Points Deduction

  • Loose 30 points for each comment you delete from the News Feed

Learning Points

2 Learning Points Awards

  • Earn 10 points for each lesson completed
  • Earn 50 points when you complete a Course
Connections Achievement Badge

Connections Badge

Connect with or follow 10 members and receive a Connections badge.

2 Steps

  • Connect with 10 members to earn a connections badge
  • Follow 10 members to earn a Connections badge
Pitch Deck Achievement Badge

Pitch Deck Badge

Upload your Pitch Deck and receive your Pitch Deck badge.

1 Step

  • Upload your Pitch Deck and receive your Pitch Deck badge.
Profile Completion Achievement Badge

Profile Completion Badge

Complete your profile and earn a Profile Completion badge.

1 Step

  • Complete your profile and earn a Profile Completion badge.

Contributors Rank


Innovation Influencer

This badge acknowledges members who have made significant contributions to innovation and thought leadership within the community, inspiring others with their ideas and initiatives.

3 Requirements

  1. Reach Mentor Maven rank
  2. Reach Solution Sage rank
  3. Earn 2000 Discussion Points to reach the Innovation Influencer rank

Solution Sage

Awarded to members who have demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills and creativity in finding solutions to challenges or questions posed within the community.

2 Requirements

  1. Reach Mentor Maven rank
  2. Earn 500 Discussion Points to reach the Solution Sage rank

Mentor Maven

This badge recognizes individuals who have consistently provided valuable insights, guidance, and support to other members, serving as mentors within the community. 100 Discussion points are required to reach this rank.

Learners Rank



This badge recognizes members who have pioneered new paths in learning and skill development, setting trends and inspiring fellow learners along the way.

3 Requirements

  1. Reach Curiosity Connoisseur rank
  2. Reach Wisdom Wizard rank
  3. Earn 1000 points to reach EduTrailblazer rank

Wisdom Wizard

Awarded to individuals who have shown exceptional depth of understanding and insight in their areas of interest, sharing their wisdom and expertise with others.

2 Requirements

  1. Reach Curiosity Connoisseur rank
  2. Earn 200 Learning points to reach the Wisdom Wizard rank

Curiosity Connoisseur

This badge celebrates members who exhibit a strong desire for learning and exploration, actively seeking out new knowledge and opportunities for growth. 50 Learners points are required to reach this rank.

Networkers Rank


Platform Prodigy

To attain the Platinum Prodigy rank, members must first traverse the paths of the Innovation Influencer, EduTrailblazer, and Network Navigator ranks. Upon successfully navigating through these ranks, members will emerge as a Platinum Prodigy, embodying the pinnacle of excellence across innovation, education, and networking. They are recognized as visionaries who shape the future and champions of progress in an evolving world.


Networking Navigator 

This badge acknowledges members who possess a keen ability to navigate and leverage networks effectively, connecting with diverse individuals and resources to maximize opportunities for themselves and others.

3 Requirements

  1. Reach Connection Catalyst rank
  2. Reach Collaboration Champion rank
  3. Earn 500 Connection Points to reach Networking Navigator rank
collaboration champion rank

Collaboration Champion

Recognizing individuals who have demonstrated exceptional teamwork and collaboration skills, fostering synergy and collective achievement within the community.

2 Requirements

  1. Reach Connection Catalyst rank
  2. Earn 100 Connection Points to reach Collaboration Champion rank

Connection Catalyst

This badge is awarded to members who excel in building and nurturing meaningful connections within the community, facilitating collaboration and engagement among peers. 50 Connection Points are required to reach this rank.